June 24, 2010

Changes to the List

I've contemplated this list, and honestly there are some of the items to accomplish that are going to be accomplished simply by doing others, and some I have really lost interest in, so we're going to do some editing. This list will simply be the numbers that were changed.

5 Go to the East Coast (Was "Go to NYC"--The new goal encompasses more and adds options)
27 Redecorate the Kitchen of my Condo (was "finish decorating my apartment"--this feels like cheating and really something that I won't do because I can't have complete flexibility...)
28 See the Grand Canyon (was "visit a state I've never been to before" which honestly is cheating because I would do that with SEVERAL of my other goals...)
42 Redevelop the film from my first trip to Germany and fix the scrapbook (was "Get Married" but that seems to be a gimme, since I'm engaged and 44 is "plan my wedding" which usually ends in being Married...)
59 Get an Apple Product (was "Get and IPad" I've made up my mind that I'll probably get a Macbook first, the IPad still needs to be worked on I think.)
72 Write a short story/Essay (and put it online) (added Essay b/c I tend to muse more on topics than dabble in fiction right now...)
77 Take a golf lesson (was Play Frisbee Golf, but I tried that, and let's just leave it at that)
78 Visit Robin Ann in/go to Tennessee (was "Improve my credit", which is happening with paying on my mortgage and paying down my Credit Cards)
88 Visit Atlanta (was "Spend an entire day in bed with my bf"...but I can't spend an entire day in bed by myself, I've tried, it doesn't work.)
89 Keep a plant alive for more than 30 days (was "Grow tomatoes and hot peppers," but my thumb is not exactly green, and I need a goal that's more general. We'll work on the veggie garden when I achieve this goal)

I really think these things make life more interesting, plus I don't feel like I'm coping out by doing one thing by accomplishing another.

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