January 19, 2011

Life: Fan Girl Swoon

For those in the know, Disney started this new thing with it's Princess Diamond Edition releases for movies. (Rereleasing on Blu-Ray and for new Princesses) This is Limited Edition dolls of the Princesses. I have all of the ones they've come out with so far, including Buzz and Woody, so today when I got an email from The Disney Store I ordered myself a little birthday present:

Isn't she pretty???

I'm so excited, you have no idea! Now I'm debating on if I should just save up and pay from it out of my paycheck and use my birthday money for something else fun, or if I should just use the money for her.

Here's the other thing I have in mind:

This is so fun!
 Le sigh...now I try to convince Rob to buy me things (aren't boyfriends supposed to buy you presents???) but he doesn't see the point in purchasing ANYTHING that he cannot derive benefit from (i.e. if he can't watch it or use it as well, he whines moans and complains about it).  I can't even convince him that his benefit is because I'm happy and a happy wife(girlfriend) equals a happy life.  Merg.
Oh well, I just need to buckle down and be frugal...once I get these damn credit cards paid down to where they're more managable, I thinks that will get better, I just have to bunker down and close the wallet.

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