February 7, 2011

Life: Loosing the Battle of the Bulge

It's amazing how detrimental stepping on the scale everyday can be to one's psyche.  It hits you hard when the scale goes up, and the disappointment is still there when the number goes down.  For some reason I'm staying around the same number on the scale, no matter what I do.  It really is frustrating.  I know my problems.  I'm actually SUPER AWESOME at identifying them (not counting Friday even-Sunday, portion sizes, not enough fruit, veggies, or dairy, etc. etc.) but I'm CRAP at changing habits to fix the problems.
There's always an excuse.  I need to give up excuses.  I went under the blasted 272 on Friday (woohoo 270!) but was back up this morning.  So new vow: ONLY step on the scale Friday morning and evaluate from there.  No one said getting down into the healthy range for my height was going to be easy, but I wish it was going FASTER!

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