April 10, 2011

Life: Worst Blogger ever!

So as you may or may not have noticed, I have removed the list from the blog. I didn't do this on purpose, I honestly did it to edit and repost.  The thing is I cut it, and NEVER pasted it somewhere. So now it's gone!
Now this could really do one of two things: give me an opportunity to revamp and put up a completely different list (including what has been accomplished) or scrap the list all together and proceed aimlessly where my brain decides to go(not that I don't already do that). I honestly think that in the interest of having writing prompts I should revamp the list.
I like having goals, I like sharing the story of how those goals are met.  The problem with the old list: I assumed (1)I had more "in real life" friends than I have, (2)I would have more money coming in than I have, not that I'm hurting at all, and (3) that Robert is more cooperative than he is IRL.  I love Rob I do, but getting him even a fraction of a millimeter outside of his comfort zone is honestly like pulling back teeth from a crocodile.  It's like asking to have your head bitten off. I am not detered though, and he's game if I catch him at the right moment (and utter the word "my treat"-the miser). 
So look for it soon, the new and kind of amazing list. :)
Alright, I need to stop procrastinating...I'm earning overtime right now, Sunday at the office, I HATE APRIL!

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