June 25, 2011

Hello, My name is Katherine...

and I'm a Shopaholic.
There. I said it. Now I can stop shopping.

Let us start by thanking the LOVELY people at Wells Fargo who up-ed my credit limit on my credit card so I can breath a little bit for not being so close to my limit.  Unfortunately, I decided that was a reason to get things I wanted, that it was okay. (read as: bad, bad, bad, bad, BAD)
So before rational me stepped in, jewelry called my name.  To be absolutely specific James Avery called my name like a sterling silver siren's song.

The other day I put this charm on my newer charm bracelet:

I've been looking at this one for a while, and I was in the shop because I need to put this charm on my bracelet:

I got the sailboat and had added the two to my bracelet.  Well I didn't realize that it made by bracelet a little lopsided.  They reminded me that I could bring up to 5 pieces at a time to be cleaned by them for free. I was game for that, besides on the way out I saw this cutie:

To adorable right? Also a perfect representation for Austin no? I also felt it was the perfect way to even out the lopsidedness of my bracelet.  So I took 5 pieces in to be cleaned and added the little bat to my bracelet. (Up to this I had only used my new credit card limit for the little battie).  I also looked around and fell in love with a ring that I tried on and thought "oh I'll tell Rob and that will be my Christmas present, yay!"  My pieces were ready today at 4pm, so I went to pick them up. Well, I allowed myself a bit of an indulgence:
So, yeah I didn't wait.  I also took in 5 more pieces to be cleaned when I bought this. It's a large cuff of a ring, but so fun and elegant.  I also bought a chain to put another of my large charms on.  I like having several different lengths to play with and mix and match.  The women at my closest James Avery are so lovely, it's always a wonderful experience going in there.  A final though, Rob needs to go and get my things on Tuesday. 
After James Avery, Rob and I went to Water 2 Wine and bought some lovely wine.  I took a wine tasting class there a while back, and remembered some of the great wines they had.  The best part about these wines? No sulfites! That means no headaches, no sinus problems, and no hangover.  They're all bottled and allowed to ferment in the winery in Austin, and sold locally so they do not have to add any preservatives (hence sulfides are nowhere in site!)
Since those were both "my stores," we went to Spec's so Rob could get himself some beer-which is now being aged on his mobile bar. Oh well what ever makes him happy.

Now, since I bought myself my Christmas Present from Rob, I'm going to share what's still on my wish list-Rob better start saving! (me too)
Lets start with the most expensive-
A gorgeous gold and silver magnolia pendant.

Next: Charms for my bracelet (I have five left to finish the bracelet)-

These beauties are great and many I have been looking at for a while. I'm holding myself back from buying them all for myself all at once, but if ANY of them get retired before I get it, I will be a little sad.  I know they very rarely retire anything, but I hope these are not anywhere near that.

Enough for tonight-I'm also nursing a completely broken toe nail that I broke with the heel of my other foot.  I broke half of it off, if that's not talent, I don't know what is.

Hello wine!

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