December 30, 2010

Life: Christmas

Okay, I'm going to bitch.
This is going to sound incredibly childish and selfish, but here it goes. Christmas has come and gone. I got some alright gifts from Rob...he tried, but I was rather underwhelmed.  I did get a pretty ring though. I got him awesome stuff, I got everyone awesome stuff that they really like. I get down to my parents hoping that I got some good stuff from them (Windows 7, a new lens for my camera, new Reebok Runtones...) any of the things that I've been talking about for the last 6 months, and I get nothing. I get some random things from my Grandmama, Granddaddy, and Uncle Fred, the random gifts that my mother got from her family, but nothing else.  "My presents are at the office." Fine I'll wait till tomorrow.
The next day, I get to the office and there is a package on my desk. Not from my parents, a Caress gift set, pashmina, and car air freshener from the girls in the office.  What did I get from mom and dad? A Tree! A fucking TREE.
Not something that I can take home to Austin, not something that I can decorate my house with, no something that stays in the office I work in at my mother's office building. An office I have no intention of spending the rest of my adult career in, so it will stay there. We all read into things, whether we're right or wrong, and that's what I did. I read into this 'gift' as their expectation that I'm going to become an accountant and get stuck working for mom, like she got stuck working for her parents. Like she's depending on me to continue on her work.  I do not want to be an accountant, there is in no way I want to be in this job more than one or two more years. No way I'm going to stay working for her for the rest of my life, but that's the message that I get from the STUPID tree.
If that's all they want of me, then why did she let me go to Texas State? Why didn't she just make me stay in CC and study accounting??? Just because her mother did that to her doesn't mean she can do that to me. It's not fair!

So then we were going to go to the mall on Tuesday to look for some nice earrings, but did we get any? No. Mom got her teeth whiten (not that we found a pair that I liked). Her other idea was to get a pot for the tree, but we didn't get to the Home Depot. We didn't get there the next day either, and today they left to take my jack-off brother his presents in HOUSTON!!! They would NEVER drive up to Austin just to go to dinner with me, NEVER. It is such a double standard. So I got stuck here housesitting. My dad thought I was upset because I thought Adam got more presents than me, which he did, but it's not about that. It's that he's getting things to unwrap. Things that he'll be able to keep in his own home, things that will be his, and not decorating some else's room. Presents that don't give messages that he's stuck forever.

Now the tree is very nice, and I will enjoy some nice earrings if I ever get them, but as it stands I cannot refer to the tree as mine. It is not in my home, nor will it ever be in my home so how is it MY tree?  Honestly she bought a tree for herself and claimed it for me.  Then she validated it by saying that she thought I needed something there, and that she bought me those outfits from Macy's. It was 3 shirts to wear when I went to TN. I hope that we get to go to the mall again and I get something before my birthday. GAH!!!!

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