April 18, 2011

The List is out the window, gone to pot, I'm over it.

Alright, so I was looking over the list and pondering it. Some of the things on there are just not really feasible for me within the allotted time frame, and some are, well, just frivolous. So I've decided to turn this thing upside down.
I will still do 101 things.
I still only have till the date I've set to do said things.
I will not be working from the list.
I will simply hold myself to doing 101 things that are remarkable to me and letting them out into the blogosphere. 
That means I will be building a list instead of knocking it down.
I honestly feel it makes for a better more organic flow, and I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't get to Disneyland and ride a hot air balloon. Also, I don't have to say read 5 books that I haven't read, I can just READ, and I can continue to share things that make me happy, but I don't have to make sure the number gets to/stops at 100.

Remarkable? Probably not.
Freeing? Boy Howdy, you know it is!

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