June 21, 2011

Back at Home

Well after several weeks of not being able to work from home, I am home to work! 
It feels great to be home, and even better today now that it's clean, it feels even better.  Right now I am enjoying all of the Blu-Rays that I have bought and have not watched.  (Some of them, I have never seen before)  I have done some traveling in the interim, but I'll cover that in another post. 
Things have been swirling in my head like crazy, and some, hopefully will come to posts...all I know is that right now, my back is KILLING me from staying up till 3am organizing photos on this laptop.
I just made this a super extended twitter post, damn. 
Alright, so if this is going to be filler, watch for the next posts:
K & N's adventures in the great north of DFW with a side trip to Dublin (I only wish it was Ireland)
On having an open heart and a generous spirit
Religion: Community v Leader (What I think a Pastor should be/do)
A few movie reviews
My new love: Paper Source
Continuing Education Status

I would also like to add that I LOVE that all of my clothes and towels are done-empty hampers with only the clothes I'm wearing dirty.

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