June 23, 2011


I've started a project of watching all of the Blu-Rays I have purchased and not watched, at all.  Not in the theater, not on cable, not at mom and dads.
Yes I buy Blu-Rays of movies I haven't seen, mostly because I wanted to see them but didn't have time/a date (it's sad to go to the movie by yourself, I know. I've done it.).  The stack is rather large, and I've made it through most of it.  I'm going to share my thoughts on each of the movies.  These are in no way full reviews of these movies.  I am an extremely casual watcher, putting it on as back ground noise.  It's something I've done for a long long time.  For example: I watch seasons of shows I have on DVD such as Bones or How I Met Your Mother.
The Movies Include: The Runaways, Despicable Me, Coco Before Chanel, An Education, Remember Me, Life as We Know It, Robin Hood, Paris Je T'aime, New York I Love You, Australia, and the Reader.
We'll start with:
The Runaways: Gritty, Rock and Role.  It's a bit choppy, but the story comes across.  I don't think Dakota Fanning was the best person to take on the leading role.  She seem to doe-y eyed even when she was supposed to be a strung out druggy with an alcohol problem.  Kristen Stewart was great, but so subdued in the role.  She could have been alot stronger, with a lot more input as the character of Joan Jett.  The movie made her seem like this was just ALL happening to them, and they weren't very active in the events.  Yes Sherie walked on stage in lingerie, and let the Japanese Photographers take provacative photos of her. I know the critics were ALL over it, and I can see why.  Personally I give it about 3 stars.
I'm going to see what I can get for it on Amazon.
Despicable Me: Cute kid movie.  Great idea. Love the mother.  Good music.  Forgettable storyline. Bad guy turns good in the end blah blah blah.  What's with the Minions?  N liked it, I'll probably give him the digital copy of it if he doesn't already have it-I got two codes for the download.  2 Stars
I'll probably hang on to it just long enough for N to get a copy.
Coco Before Chanel: Lovely, French. In French.  Probably should watch it again, just to get the details.  I got the gist of it, and the tragedy of it all.  The costumes were delicous and who doesn't love a beautiful period drama. IN FRENCH.  4 1/2 Stars
This one stays
An Education: Lovely British film set in the 60's.  Slightly predicatable: Girl falls for older man, man turns out to be a creep-besides being involved with a teenager.  She picks herself up and returns to Oxford.  The scenes were lovely, the actors was good.  Carey Mulligan is great in the roll of the enginue in the lead.  I wish there was more with the head mistress (Emma Thompson).  The way it was handled was amazing-worthy of the Oscar Nod.  5 Stars
This one stays
Remember Me: A downer of a movie.  No hope at all.  Some bright spots, and Robert Pattinson is always lovely to oggle watch.  The ending just killed me.  The whole movie, from the heart wrenching beginning to every episode till the end, has this sense of depression and fatalism. I'm glad I wasn't paying 100% attention to the movie, or I would have been BAWLING. 4 1/2 stars
This one stays
Life as We Know It: It's a great movie.  Typical chick flick with typical ending.  Yes they got there different than others, and yes they went for the "baby poop on the face joke."  It's a feel good movie, and who doesn't love Katherine Heigl? Plus, the baby is SUPER cute. 3 1/2 stars
I'm pretty sure I'm keeping this one.

I started Robin Hood, but I got about half way through before I paused it.  I'm not sure if I'm going to make it all the way through.  I know the story.  This time it's told differently, but it's just SOOOOO slow.  Maybe tomorrow. I will allso be adding the rest of list in another post.

Off to make dinner: Korma, yum!

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